Not Looking for a Job? Here’s Why You Should Talk to Us Anyway!

Ever wondered why LogiHire is reaching out to you even though you’re not actively job hunting? We’re always in conversation with top companies across Australia and New Zealand, and here’s why you should consider talking to us about your next career move.

1. Stay Ahead of the Game

When a recruiter like LogiHire contacts you, it’s a chance to be proactive in your career. Instead of waiting until you're unhappy, you can explore opportunities while you’re still in a good place. We do the legwork to find positions that might offer better benefits, growth, or work-life balance.

2. Your Skills are in Demand

If we’re reaching out, it means your skills are highly sought after in the Australian and New Zealand markets. By talking to us, you get to see what opportunities you might not even know existed. This could be the perfect time to find a role that better suits your aspirations.

3. Clear and Informed Decisions

When you’re content in your current role, you can evaluate new opportunities with a clear mind. There’s no rush or pressure, so you can make informed decisions about what’s best for your career. Whether it’s a slight shift or a major move, you’ll be making choices based on opportunity rather than necessity.

4. Leverage in Negotiations

Being a passive candidate gives you leverage. Companies know you’re not desperate for a job, which often results in better offers and more negotiating power. With LogiHire's endorsement, you’re already a step ahead, having been recommended by a trusted recruiter.

5. Always in the Loop

LogiHire is constantly speaking with top companies in Australia and New Zealand. This means we have the latest insights and information on who’s hiring, what they’re looking for, and how you could fit into their plans. By keeping in touch with us, you stay updated on industry trends and opportunities.

Even if you’re not actively looking for a job, talking to LogiHire can open doors to new possibilities and career advancements. Building a relationship with our team ensures that when you’re ready to make a move, you’ll have the best opportunities at your fingertips. So, next time you get a message from us, consider having that conversation—it might just lead to your next big career move.


Tackling Logistics Recruitment Challenges in Australia and New Zealand